‪Belon dan Elektrostatik‬

Scene Summary

This is an interactive sim. It changes as you play with it. The sim has a Play Area and Control Panel. The Play Area is a small room. The Control Panel has buttons, a checkbox, and radio buttons to change conditions in the room.

  • Currently, room has a yellow balloon, a sweater, and a removable wall.
  • Yellow balloon is at center of Play Area, evenly between sweater and wall. Sweater is at far left, wall at far right.
  • Yellow Balloon has zero net charge, a few pairs of negative and positive charges.
  • Sweater and wall have zero net charge, each has many pairs of negative and positive charges.

Grab balloon to play.

If needed, checkout keyboard shortcuts under Sim Resources.

Play Area


At left edge of Play Area. Has zero net charge, no more positive charges than negative charges.

Yellow Balloon

At center of Play Area. Has zero net charge, no more negative charges than positive charges.

Look for grab button to play. Once grabbed, press W, A, S, or D key to move up, left, down, or right. Space to release.


At right edge of Play Area. Has zero net charge, many pairs of negative and positive charges.

Control Panel

Play with or without the wall.

Balloon Settings

Play with two balloons or just one.

Reset Balloon to start position and an uncharged state.

Charge Settings

Choose how you see or hear charge information.

Sim Resources